Cognitive decline is often a part of the aging process. You may notice some forgetfulness in your aging family member or some repetitive story telling. It is important to receive the proper medical assessments to find out if these issues are part of normal aging or if they are symptoms of some type of disease process. Our Aging Life Care Professionals can make referrals to medical professionals such as neurologists and neuropsychologists to ensure thorough assessments are done. We are then able to use that information to assist your loved one with making necessary changes to stay safely in their home or start planning for a higher level of care. We make referrals to the many memory care facilities in our community and we serve as a constant familiar face to our clients as they transition to this next level of care. We provide support and guidance to family members who are navigating the issues that arise when their loved one is facing a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s, or Dementia.