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Technology for Connecting to Seniors - Proeger & Associates

Social distancing has become the new way of life during this pandemic.  As a result, we as Aging Life Care® Managers have had to limit our in- person visits with our clients. Our clients’ families are not able to visit in-person either.  We are all looking for other ways to connect so that we can lay eyes on our clients and/or loved ones.

Zoom and Skype are great ways to video chat.  Other apps available for video calls include WhatsApp, Google Duo, and Facetime.  In order to use these platforms, both the user and the family member must have a device (cell phone, notebook, computer) along with internet access.  The user needs to be able to manage these technologies or have a person with them who can assist.  Most Assisted Living Facilities are offering scheduled video calls between residents and family members.  The staff brings the device to the resident and helps make the call.

For those who would like to have their own personal devices to use for video calls, there are multiple options available.  We have put together a short list of just some of the devices that can be purchased for video calling.  These include Grandpad®, ViewClix™, Claris Companion, and Birdsong Tablet.  These devices are already programmed with the video calling application and are designed to be easy to use.  Most of the devices offer apps for family members to be able to program contacts and content from afar.  Please visit our Resource page on our website for further information and links to these product websites.